Podcast – 3Qs with Jen Giffen

This is the 3rd in a series from the YRDSB EdCamp. This time I am speaking with Jen Giffen one of the organizer of the event and Digital Literacy Resource Teacher with the York Region District School Board. Jen and I have know each other for a while and we have some fun talking about our passions.

If the sound is a little off, it is because we conducted the interview in a hallway while she was running off to do something important.

Podcast — 3Q’s with Stephen Hurley

This is the second interview from my weekend where I had the opportunity to attend the YRDSB EdCamp.  It was a great place to interview some of the fabulous educators I have met online in a F2F environment.

This is the second of those interviews. I did this interview with Stephen Hurley after attending a session called “Introduction to Podcasting”. I thought it would be fun to interview the person who might broadcast my podcast.

If you like what Stephen has to say, make sure you follow him on Twitter @Stephen_Hurley or listen to him on voicEd Radio.

Podcast — Derek Rhodenizer

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend the YRDSB EdCamp.  While I was there I spoke to many of the 400 educators in attendance. I also had the chance to meet and interview some of the fabulous educators I have met online in a F2F environment.

This is the first of those interviews. I did this interview with Derek Rhodenizer at the end of his talk on “Introduction to Podcasting”. I thought it would be fun to model what he was talking about.

If you like what Derek has to say, make sure you follow him on Twitter @DerekRhodenizer or listen to him on voicEd Radio.

Welcome Back

A few things have changed over the summer. I have reduced the number of domains I have been using and migrated everything to fusco.ca where I will be blogging from now on.

In about 12 hours I will be getting up to get ready for another school year. I am really looking forward to working with students to learn more about how they learn and the new skills they will need to be successful in the future.

I think it is funny how I still get the anxiousness of going back to school after all these year. I can’t hardly wait! It is going to be another great year.

In the upcoming months, check back here for more information about BIT17 and my pursuits to help K-8 teachers integrate coding into their curriculum.


Rebuilding all my sites. Everything should now point to fusco.ca and I will be cleaning it up over the next couple of days.